Why present & speak?
Most Recent:
Hult Ashridge Coaching Qualifications Graduation Day
Documentary: The Light and Shadow of Coaching - Part III Released!
Documentary Part III: https://www.coachingdocu.com
Theme: ‘The Light and Shadow of Coaching – The Pivot: Pitfalls and Powers of Coach Development’
Premier Date: 1st November 2022
Conferences – An excerpt
Blog Post: The accreditation equation: Setting out the facts and a participant’s story
September 2024
My coaching journey was featured in a Hult Blog Post. Visit the blog post on the Ashridge website to learn more, here: https://www.hult.edu/blog/coaching-accreditation/
Association for Coaching's AITechfest 'How Tech and AI shape Coaching' Panel Discussion
9th November 2023
MasterClass on Presence for Leadership and HR at Hoobla HR Services Iceland
15 February 2023 – What’s happening in our world?
83% of leaders drown in over-commitments, the issue being that
- Priority issues erode attention,
- Double risk of shallow work vs. deep work
- Double risk of low contribution vs high contribution
(Hack Future Lab, 2021)
Why is presence the right approach to solve these issues?
It’s because meaningful decisions are born in the space of presence. And leadership is a lot about making meaningful decisions and taking choices that help rather than harm. Those decisions and choices help leaders ask powerful questions, the way they do in coaching.
My latest research shows that presence is about mastering somatic responsiveness in our interactions. In our MasterClass, we’ll explore, reflect and jointly make meaning of the somatic nature of presence as a growth and performance intervention. We’ll create space for
- a) leaving our own default state of presence that feels most comfortable,
- b) reflecting the consequences of our presence-less-ness in our comfort zone.
You will take away deeper understanding around
- why presence is relevant in your leadership
- what you can learn from coaching presence for better relationships, better results, and better interactions.
This conference is organized by ICF Charter Chapter Romania – recipient of the ICF Chapter Recognition Award 2022 by ICF Global with an immense success record in terms of attendance, commitment and engagement levels in the EMEA region.
Why attend?
- Learn how to prepare and what can support adaptating to change
- What facilitates the creation of adaptive communities and their importance
- How coaching supports adaptation to change
- Top speakers from Romania and abroad
- Networking and share of experience with specialists in the field
The keynotes will be delivered by
Philippe Rosinski – Global Leadership Developer, Executive Coach, Bestselling Author, Professor and Keynote Presenter
Richard Boyatzis – Founding Member Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, Senior Fellow Coaching Research Laboratory, Professor and Keynote Presenter
I’ll be speaking on: ‘Online presence skills and in-person presence skills: what do we start noticing?’
Digital coaching platforms mushroom. As they do, or as we simply choose to work more online than in person with clients, we embrace the opportunity to get easy access to clients from all over the world. As we welcome this opportunity, do we also embrace potential differences when it comes to our coaching presence? Do we notice the implications of moving from offline to online coaching when it comes to this particular skills, one which has been understood to be our most important lever of mastery?
Visit the conference website to learn more, here: https://coachingfederation.ro/conferinta/
Association for Coaching's AITechfest 'How Tech and AI shape Coaching' Panel Discussion
9th November 2023
MasterClass on Presence for Leadership and HR at Hoobla HR Services Iceland
15 February 2023 – What’s happening in our world?
83% of leaders drown in over-commitments, the issue being that
- Priority issues erode attention,
- Double risk of shallow work vs. deep work
- Double risk of low contribution vs high contribution
(Hack Future Lab, 2021)
Why is presence the right approach to solve these issues?
It’s because meaningful decisions are born in the space of presence. And leadership is a lot about making meaningful decisions and taking choices that help rather than harm. Those decisions and choices help leaders ask powerful questions, the way they do in coaching.
My latest research shows that presence is about mastering somatic responsiveness in our interactions. In our MasterClass, we’ll explore, reflect and jointly make meaning of the somatic nature of presence as a growth and performance intervention. We’ll create space for
- a) leaving our own default state of presence that feels most comfortable,
- b) reflecting the consequences of our presence-less-ness in our comfort zone.
You will take away deeper understanding around
- why presence is relevant in your leadership
- what you can learn from coaching presence for better relationships, better results, and better interactions.
Keynote: ICF Portugal - International Coaching Week
17th May 2022 – Keynote: ICF Portugal – International Coaching Week 2022
With its Ignite Program, ICF Global has recently started anchoring coaching as ‘social impact instrument’ for growth and change – way beyond classic one-on-one interventions, team or group coaching, or agile organizational development.
That’s a powerful purpose, isn’t it? It is also a highly commendable future perspective towards reimagining coaching. Yet, to understand and be prepared for what it takes to work with coaching as a social-impact instrument we need to take a sincere and unabashed look at how our profession is pivoting today. We may start by asking, “In a first place, why is there a call for ‘reimagining the future’ at all? What is it in us that invites and even drives us to reimagine the future?”
CoachHub – The Digital Coaching Platform celebrating the inauguration of the CoachHub Institute
17th May 2022 – CoachHub – The Digital Coaching Platform celebrating the inauguration of the CoachHub Institute
Presentation: The Light and Shadow of Coaching – In and Beyond Organizations a coaching documentary that addresses the yin and yang of the coaching field and coaching as a profession that coaches often call a vocation: with all the light that it can shine and the shadows that it can cast. This documentary is a social-impact-through-coaching initiative.
European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology - EAWOP
9th – 11th December 2021 – Hybrid online & in-person Small Group Meeting hosted by HMKW University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Germany on “Advancing Theory, Research, and Practice of Workplace Coaching”.
NOBCO 12th Symposium on Coaching & Research
25th November 2021 – Virtual conference – 12th Symposium on Coaching & Research – Download the slides here
6th International Coaching Congress - Coaching Meets Research
3rd Annual Positive Psychology in Practice Conference
24-25 June 2021 – Virtual conference – Tricky CASE of P R E S E N C E- A somatic needs exchange in dialogue
27th Annual EMCC Coaching, Mentoring and Supervision Conference
13 May 2021 – ‘Presence – Is it the X factor?’ – with Sandra Henson and Grace Kew – https://www.tuendeerdoes.com/presentations/
‘Authors’ and Readers’ Gathering’ organized by Landelijke Vereniging voor Supervisie En Coaching
(LVSC) in the Netherlands, Utrecht, 5 November, 2019 – reflecting the article ‚Non-verbal synchrony in coaching: the pinnacle of emotion regulation‘in Tijdschrift voor Begeleidingskunde, issue 8 (3), pp. 30-37 along with other authors’ contributions and inquiring strategically into ‘what inspires readers when reading research’
2nd Annual Positive Psychology Conference
Utrecht, 24-25 October, 2019 – Presenting Research Results
12th Annual Coaching in Leadership & Healthcare Conference
Conference offered by the Institute of Coaching and McLean Hospital, a Harvard Medical School Affiliate, Boston, 18-19 October, 2019 – Research Symposium & Presentation of Research Results: Coaching Presence research in collaboration with VU – Ashridge – CWRU and following the Harvard Grant for this project
9th International Congress of Coaching Psychology (ISCP)
London, 10-11 October, 2019 – BE more & DO less! What the seminal VU – Ashridge – CWRU research project tells us about presence in coaching
Keynote Speech: ICF accredited coaching training programme by HRE
Athens, Greece – 21 September, 2019 – Presentation of Research Project & Integrative Presence Model
1st Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches Conference: Coaching in the Age of Disruption and Innovation
Mumbai, India – 22-24 August, 2019 – Presentation of Research Project & Training Workshop
International Conference on Movement and Cognition
Tel Aviv University, Israel – 22-24 July, 2019 – Presentation of Research Project
9th EMCC Coaching, Mentoring and Supervision Research Conference
Oxford Brookes University, UK – 4-5 July, 2019 – Presentation of Research Project & EMCC Senior Researcher Panel Discussion
Global Speaker Award
Antwerp, Belgium – 25 May, 2019 – Jury Panel & Speaker
25th EMCC International Mentoring, Coaching and Supervision Conference
Dublin, Ireland – 24-26 April, 2019 – Panel Discussion ‘Digital Age & Coaching’
9th NOBCO Symposium on Coaching and Research
‘Dancing in the Moment: Coaching presence as the lynchpin of goal-attainment’ – Utrecht, 29 November 2018
Presentation of Research Design at the 8th ISCP
International Society of Coaching Psychology Congress – London, 11 – 12 October
International Conference on Research on Social Sciences & Humanities (ICRSSH)
Research Design Presentation – Budapest, 24-25 September 2018
24th EMCC Annual International Mentoring, Coaching and Supervision Conference
Presentation delivered jointly with Shirley Smith on the sustainability of coaching and coaching supervision: ‘Coaching is Dead – Long live Coaching’ – Amsterdam, 11-13 April
5th Relational Coaching Conference
Introduction of research project at 5th Relational Coaching Conference: Adventures in Coaching Research – Ashridge Business School, UK, 3 July 2018
7th EMCC International Mentoring and Coaching Research Conference
Presentation on ‘A critical review of qualitative research outcomes in executive coaching and mentoring’ – London, 14-15 June
Webinars – An excerpt
MasterClass for Russia Coaching Community, formerly ICF Chapter Russia, after being excluded from ICF Global as a reaction to the war in the Ukraine – 19 October 2022
Online Workshop, 19th October 2022 – Mirror, mirror on the wall – Who is the most present of them all?
Presence empowers & disrupts. It is a chamber of resonance?
Latest research shows that coaching presence is not about the coach – alone. As presence is not a tool. Not even at tool of self … as it is not about your intention how to show up. While presence includes your capacity to listen actively and other all-time highs such as ‘attunement’, ‘cocooning’, and ‘being fully there’ for our client, at its core it is more than deepening and expanding your ‘self’. It is an entire network and cross-roads of stimuli and needs that navigate us and that we’d better navigate if we were to pretend that we are present.
While we espouse to have presence as a powerful way to focus on what is relevant, most of the time we have too much or not enough of it. Other times, we believe that presence is an end per se rather than a means to an end. The result is that we remain presence-less in our efforts to ‘be’ more and ‘do’ less.
When we are really present, we have a compass that urges us to
– challenge our internal as well as external authority
– challenge paradigms and theories and models and processes in place
– challenges us to reconnect with our own senses to sync in with reality rather than take things for face value
– challenges our worldview and that means ‘trouble is brewing’ as we must leave big comfort zones and open up to a lot of things and experiences in and around us that are unknown.
ICF Florida Chapter Interactive Workshop
Online Workshop, 4 May 2022 – Mirror, mirror on the wall – Who is the most present of them all?
Presence empowers & disrupts. It is a chamber of resonance?
Online Workshop, 4 May 2022 – Mirror, mirror on the wall – Who is the most present of them all?
Presence empowers & disrupts. It is a chamber of resonance?
Latest research shows that coaching presence is not about the coach – alone. As presence is not a tool. Not even at tool of self … as it is not about your intention how to show up. While presence includes your capacity to listen actively and other all-time highs such as ‘attunement’, ‘cocooning’, and ‘being fully there’ for our client, at its core it is more than deepening and expanding your ‘self’. It is an entire network and cross-roads of stimuli and needs that navigate us and that we’d better navigate if we were to pretend that we are present.
While we espouse to have presence as a powerful way to focus on what is relevant, most of the time we have too much or not enough of it. Other times, we believe that presence is an end per se rather than a means to an end. The result is that we remain presence-less in our efforts to ‘be’ more and ‘do’ less.
When we are really present, we have a compass that urges us to
– challenge our internal as well as external authority
– challenge paradigms and theories and models and processes in place
– challenges us to reconnect with our own senses to sync in with reality rather than take things for face value
– challenges our worldview and that means ‘trouble is brewing’ as we must leave big comfort zones and open up to a lot of things and experiences in and around us that are unknown.
Workshop@Københavns Universitet
Copenhagen University, 4 May 2021 – Workshop on ‚Know thy body! – Integrative Presence: A needs exchange through somatic responsiveness’ – https://www.tuendeerdoes.com/presentations/
ICF Chapter Norway
ICF Chapter Norway, 17 November, 2020 – Webinar on ‚Coaching Presence – Mirror, mirror on the wall – who is the most present of them all?’
ICF Chapter Finland
ICF Chapter Finland, 3 June, 2020 – Webinar on ‚The ROIs of Coaching Research: how doing or participating in coaching research can help you grow as a coach and strengthen your practice’
ICF Chapter Vienna
ICF Chapter Vienna, 26 May, 2020 – Webinar on ‚Coaching auf MCC Ebene – Live Demo’ – An event within the extended ICF International Coaching Week programme
ICF Chapter Vienna
ICF Chapter Vienna, 19 May, 2020 – Webinar on ‚Peer Coaching’ – An event within the extended ICF International Coaching Week programme
ICF Chapter Budapest
ICF Chapter Budapest, 18 May, 2020 – Webinar on ‚Debunking the Myths around Coaching Presence and Goal Attainment’
ICF Chapter Vienna
ICF Chapter Vienna, 12 May, 2020 – Webinar on ‚PhD Coaching – The coachee’s view on coaching in higher education: a Facebook Live Interview with Claartje van Sijl & Alexandra Leighton by Tünde Erdös’ – An event within the ICF International Coaching Week programme
ICF Chapter Vienna
ICF Chapter Vienna, 4 May, 2020 – Webinar on ‚PhD Coaching – Lass den Funken leuchten und überwinde den akademischen Stress: a Facebook live interview with Natalia Schweizer, ICF Chapter Austria’ – An event within the ICF International Coaching Week programme
2020 2nd ICF Coaching Science Community of Practice, US, 26 February, 2020 – Webinar on ‚Debunking the Myths around Coaching Presence and Goal Attainment’
APAC conference masterclass webinar
APAC conference masterclass webinar on 16 April 2019 ahead of the presentation at the APAC Conference (Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches) 22-24 August 2019
WBECS virtual Round Table
WBECS virtual Round Table on ‘How coaching presence helps clients feel safe: sticking our neck out there!’ – 19 November 2018
ICF Coaching Science Community of Practice New York
ICF Coaching Science Community of Practice New York – Coaching Science Special Edition Output Webinar on ‘Dancing in the Moment: Interpersonal synchrony’s role in coaching science’ – 14 November 2018
ICF UK Webinar
ICF UK Webinar on ‘Dancing in the Moment: Interpersonal synchrony’s role in coaching presence’ – 1 October 2018
EMCC Webinar
EMCC Webinar on ‘Coaching process in coaching: Interpersonal Synchrony & Self-regulation as lynchpins of goal-attainment’ – 25 September 2018
Special events – An excerpt
HR Trade Fair ‚Personalmesse MOC’
I did exhibiting at the Personalmesse München trade fair with the aim to make a clear contribution to our coaching profession through the projects that have been awarded the ICF Impact Award 2023 at ICF Converge23 in Orlando, Florida, USA. My aim was to introduce visitors to the social impact that professional coaching as a human and professional development instrument can generate in business and organizational management.
I have been there alongside my partners Claire Venetsanakou from Greece and Carin Bladh from Sweden. Jointly, we have engage in inspiring our visitors to take note of the rich and varied ways in which professional coaching can make a difference through empowering not just leaders, employees, external and internal coaches but also whole collaborative efforts across the globe.
We also showcased how at least three approaches to professional coaching can successfully support your current programs. You also benefited from learning about the various ways in which virtual, co-located or hybrid learning can be implemented through effective professional coaching in business and organizational management.
Learn more about our exhibition here: http://personalmesse2023.tuendeerdoes.com/
I had the pleasure to speak about latest democratisation developments in professional coaching, particularly the aspect of digital coaching: when it can work, and when it won’t.
Documentary: The Light and Shadow of Coaching - In and Beyond Organizations
In a collaborative effort with Mama Organisation (www.mama.or.ke), the purpose of this documentary is to collect funds to – empower women to become more entrepreneurial in Kenya – contribute to coaching as a social impact instrument – introduce ways in which we can democratise coaching without coaches needing to earn less Using the donations given to this documentary, we will roll out coaching and coach training for the women working for and the leadership serving Mama Organisation in Kenya starting 2023. If you are inspired by coaching as a social impact instrument and you yourself wish to engage more in coaching for social impact as well as in democratising coaching, this documentary is definitely something you should watch and make a donation to. And, most importantly, allow yourself to be inspired to reflect the field of coaching and your own practice from the angle of the ‘light and shadow’ of coaching. Enjoy!
Why author books? What are the benefits?
1st of November 2021 – Why author books? What are the benefits?
Tünde Erdös & Hélène Seiler in Dialogue
hosted by Eleanor Christie at McGraw Hill Open University Press
Dr Tünde Erdös
Dr Hélène Seiler
COACHING & FREEDOM - A practical and philosophical journey. Global Coaches’ & Leaders’ Voices
2nd of October 2021
What does freedom mean for Greek people 200 years after the Greek Revolution of 1821 against ottoman occupation? What might it mean for coaches beyond Greece?
“Freedom” is a word that evokes countless emotions and thoughts. It is a notion that has enormous weight on humans and entails complex human dynamics. Today, after enduring a 1.5-year restriction on our freedom due to the current pandemic, we can sense the threat to our life, our culture, and the entire planet – a threat that seems to emerge from extreme phenomena both natural and man-made.
Which new dimensions might the notion “freedom” entail for each one of us?
In the steps of the 3rd consecutive annual hybrid conference COACH NOW, we will explore “freedom” both as a destination and as a condition for a happy life, individually and collectively.
We will have professional coaches and executives share their VOICE based on insights they have gained through recent coaching research, coaching practice, and coaching philosophy to explore tools that we may use on this exploration of ‘freedom’.
Live Streaming Conversation on Coaching Presence with Mary Anna Wright, PhD
In this live streaming, we explore the essence of the coaching presence research that has led up to the book on coaching presence. We also address presence in the there and now’ of the relationship between Mary Anna and Tünde networking ideas around the rave culture and non-verbal synchrony as some potential markers of presence. We close the conversation by ‚giving away‘ a key message: “Do as fish do!“ when it comes to your presence in the coach-client relationship.
Book Launch Live Event - "The Coaching Science Practitioner Handbook" @Octarium
Book Launch Live Event on ‘The Coaching Science Practitioner Handbook – How are you, so they can be – based on the coaching presence research’ hosted by Octarium Etd., Saudi Arabia
Book Launch LinkedIn Live Event - "The Coaching Science Practitioner Handbook" @Applied Sciences Publishing LLC
Book Launch LinkedIn Live Event on ‘The Coaching Science Practitioner Handbook – How are you, so they can be- based on the coaching presence research’co-authored by Tünde Erdös and Angelis Iglesias, Applied Sciences Publishing LLC
Book Launch FaceBook Live Event - "The Coaching Science Practitioner Handbook" @Applied Sciences Publishing LLC
Book Launch Facebook Live Event on ‘The Coaching Science Practitioner Handbook – How are you, so they can be – based on the coaching presence research’ co-authored by Tünde Erdös and Angelis Iglesias, Applied Sciences Publishing LLC
Masterclass webinar on ‘Presence in Coaching and Leadership’
Masterclass webinar on ‘Presence in Coaching and Leadership’ the occasion of the International Coaching Week on behalf of Octarium Etd., Saudi Arabia
Paula Woods PCC coming to Vienna to meet the researcher
October 2019 – Paula Woods PCC coming to Vienna to meet the researcher: an interview around the inspiration of engaging in research
Presentation at the British Transport Police
Presentation at the British Transport Police for recruitment purposes – Research Theme & Design – London – 11 October 2018
Institute of Coaching Conference (McLean Hospital, a Harvard Medical School Affiliate)
Institute of Coaching Conference (McLean Hospital, a Harvard Medical School Affiliate) – CoachX TEDtalk formatted video-recorded presentation on ‘Be more & Do less – Effective goal attainment in coaching’ – Boston, 27-29 September 2018