PhD in Business and Organizational Management


Why engineer podcasts and videocasts?

To reach more people? To help grow my business, or help my business grow? No. Engineering pod-casts and video-casts is more to do with solving my own issues as I find myself in search of some plausible answers to a few nagging questions that I have. Podcasting and videocasting serves for me as a trusted ally in dialoguing with you as you may have the same nagging questions as I do. And more so, you may also be prompted to dig deep into a subject matter that does more than simply interest me. Therefore, let’s discover wisdom that might blow our mind away.

New video podcast series!

Our Vision:

We want to re-imagine business and organizational management. We want to re-shape coaching and leadership development in an extraordinary moment in time. We want to encourage coaches and leaders to break free from the relentless cycle of ‘higher-bigger-faster’ coaching and leadership.

It’s time to break free from the limitations of traditional coaching methods and leadership models. It’s time to lead and coach on the pulse of time. We’re here to foster a movement that champions authentic, engaging an daring leaders and coaches.

Our Mission:

We invite daring coaches and seeking leaders each in their specific field to bring closer the two instrumental worlds: Leadership and Coaching. That’s because, for us, leadership is coaching, and coaching is leadership.

The format we’re offering is a series of bite-sized interviews full of inspired and inspirational knowledge sharing to enable growth ‘beyond the obvious’ in leadership and coaching – feeling empowered to respond to what’s going on in, with and around us with presence-ness. Why? To engage, cope well with overwhelm, and have joy. No matter what’s going on around us.

The Light and Shadow of Coaching Podcast

Where there’s light, there’s shadow. In all. In coaching too.

This is a series of episodes in which my guests are invited to critically reflect with me some of the powers and pitfalls of coaching. Our field is growing fast and exponentially. As growth normally is never just about the success side of the coin, it’s time we become curious about the other side of the coin – and we’ll explore what that can be: in our practice, our field, our education, our knowledge, and our mastery. If we coaches don’t exercise this sort of curiosity too, who should?

We are the pioneers of awareness creation and perspective taking. Can we role model those practices for those that we serve?

My guests are all donors to the coaching documentary about the light and shadow of coaching, which was produced to fund coach training for women in Kenya. They are all committed to create social impact through their donations and they believe that the true power of coaching lies in generating ripple effects of coaching beyond sessions.

All guests who come on the show have watched 6 hours of coach learning material. With being a guest on this episode series, each donor is ready to take on additional step: share their learning and insights from the documentary to inspire further curiosity about our practice. Why would you want to miss that?


– Tünde Erdös

If you wish to learn more about the documentary, you can watch it in its three parts here:

Podcast Guest Appearances

Research in Coaching: Sparking Inquiry, Cultivating Practice

Episode 188: Beyond the Obvious: Finding the Value in Research for Coaching

Dr Tünde Erdös, ICF MCC and researcher, joins our host Sheela Hobden, in a passionate and inquiring conversation about research in coaching. Why research in coaching? How do we appreciate research more and in what ways can research help us grow? In this episode, they look beyond the obvious in and around coaching research, inspiring coaches to question what they know about its value for themselves and their clients.

You Will Learn
  • The power of participating in research for coaches and also clients
  • To separate the myth from the reality around coaching research
  • Why engaging with coaching research means experiencing expansion as a coach and for clients

NOBCO Coach Radio

Coaching Presence - Live Conversation with Enrique Rubio, Founder of Hacking HR: Powering the Future of HR - 3 May 2023

A lively conversation expertly moderated by Enrique about the essence of presence abounding in energy and full of examples relevant for HR professionals:

– Why is it important to be present? Present to what?
– How does presence really work? What are its fundamental principles?

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Viktigt på Riktigt, by Carin Coach

To reach more people? To help grow my business, or help my business grow? No. Engineering pod-casts and video-casts is more to do with solving my own issues as I find myself in search of some plausible answers to a few nagging questions that I have. Podcasting and videocasting serves for me as a trusted ally in dialoguing with you as you may have the same nagging questions as I do. And more so, you may also be prompted to dig deep into a subject matter that does more than simply interest me. Therefore, let’s discover wisdom that might blow our mind away.

In conversation with Carin Coach @ Viktigt på Riktigt on 26th of October 2022
Enjoy 1 hour of deep knowledge of how to stay present in the situation, and the circumstances where You are. Dr Tünde Erdös ICF Master Certified Coach (kind of Black belt in coaching), Martin Lindeskog, nestor in podcasting, and I – we are inviting you to share a moment with us. Prepare yourself with some coffee or tea. Have some pen and paper ready by your side. Give yourself space for thinking, relaxing, writing and enjoy your findings! Please let us know what your take is from this episode. We would really appreciate that!
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The Coaching Studio with Guest Tünde Erdös, Ph.D, MCC

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In conversation with Lyssa deHart, LICSW, MCC @ The Coaching Studio on 4th of August 2022
Presence empowers & disrupts. It is a chamber of resonance
Latest research shows that coaching presence is not about the coach – alone. As presence is not a tool. Not even at tool of self … as it is not about your intention how to show up. While presence includes your capacity to listen actively and other all-time highs such as ‘attunement’, ‘cocooning’, and ‘being fully there’ for our client, at its core it is more than deepening and expanding your ‘self’. It is an entire network and cross-roads of stimuli and needs that navigate us and that we’d better navigate if we were to pretend that we are present. While we espouse to have presence as a powerful way to focus on what is relevant, most of the time we have too much or not enough of it. Other times, we believe that presence is an end per se rather than a means to an end. The result is that we remain presence-less in our efforts to ‘be’ more and ‘do’ less.

When we are really present, we have a compass that urges us to:
challenge our internal as well as external authority
challenge paradigms and theories and models and processes in place
challenges us to reconnect with our own senses to sync in with reality rather than take things for face value
challenges our worldview and that means ‘trouble is brewing’
as we must leave big comfort zones and open up to a lot of things and experiences in and around us that are unknown.

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The Game of Teams - A Leader's View

In conversation with Tara Nolan, ICF MCC around the light and shadow of coaching based on the coaching documentary released on 30 April 2022.
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PRESENCE: The Colourful Chemistry of Co-Created Companionship in Coaching A Roundtable Storytelling

Why is presence a core competence in coaching? Why is it called THE skill that sets apart good coaches from great coaches?

It is because powerful questions are born in the space of presence. And coaching is a lot about asking powerful questions.

Latest research shows that coaching presence is about mastering somatic responsiveness in the coaching relationship. And somatic responsiveness is not lodged in the mind. It is lodged in the body, which is the cradle of our five senses. As such it is the most reliable instrument that can tell how we are doing and how we are performing any given moment.

I have invited Claire Pedrick ICF MCC and Claire Venetsanakou ICF ACC to share their stories of presence and presence-less-ness as an expression of their somatic responsivness with me as some free learning opportunity for coaches that aspire to skill up their presence in coaching.

In Conversation with Tünde Erdös - Being Human

Hosted by Claire Pedrick, MCC at 3D Coaching The Coaching Inn – 19th October 2021
On Being Human & Are you sure you are present? 

In this podcast, Claire is in conversation with human being, coach and academic Tünde Erdös author of Coaching Presence: Understanding the Power of the Non-Verbal Relationship. ‘We don’t know what presence is. We are on the cusp of understanding… think ‘what else could I notice but I’m not’
We also mentioned A Guide to Third Generation Coaching: Narrative-Collaborative Theory and Practice Hardcover by Reinhard Stelter

Bounce Back and Thrive

Triumphant Despite Disappointment

A truthful and private story of desperately juggling a crumbling marriage and the unswerving demands of a professional life’.
What happens when you unexpectedly realise the marriage you presumed was rock solid rapidly collapses?

How do you come to terms with moving forward on your own?

How do you react when the person you genuinely love and trust suddenly announces, “I am quitting”?

In this week’s eye-opening interview, discover how highly successful global professional Tünde Erdös consciously tapped into her incredible ability to pay ‘deeper attention’ to the ‘nagging tension’ in her body- supported her in processing and accepting the announcement, her 24-year marriage had finally crumbled.


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