Why publish?
We are all learners. I never believe that my cup is full. I believe that mastery in any discipline implies making a contribution to the wider scope of knowledge with a long-lasting effect through staying on the path of research and development. With this stance, I am interested in embarking on a journey of mastery by relentlessly identifying and proposing ways for how to develop – continuously and sustainably.
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Magazines & Conference papers
Presence: Is it the X-Factor?
Motion Energy - Enabling & disabling presence towards coaching mastery
Does having a BIG heart & HUGE desire to help & your personal BLESSING make you the coach your clients need?
A sponsored post by Christian Mickelsen retrieved from LinkedIn’s social media platform on 18 June 2020 prompts me in my capacity as an executive coach
Coaching on the fast track when things slow down
Two current challenges Coaching business has slowed down lately. Clients and organizations are breaking away even if it is precisely in disruptive times that coaching
Research Corner 2020 – 5 Valuable Research Bites 2020
1. Bias in coaching: identifying and reducing biases in our practice 2. Relational Leadership – A novel view on leadership & leadership coaching 3. Coaching effectiveness –